Lim Tse Hwei
LL.B (Hon.), Malaya
Email: tsehwei@desho.com.my
Tse Hwei chambered with Messrs Ermiey Nizam& Ho under Desmond Ho’s guidance and was called to the Malaysian Bar on July 4, 2013. She then returned to the firm as a Legal Associate from August 2013 until its dissolution in July 2014.
Practice Areas
- Banking & Insolvency Litigation
- Corporate, Civil & Commercial Litigation
- Industrial Relations & Labour Law
- Family Law
- Admiralty
- Property & Probate
- Tenant & Landlord matters
Achievements & Service
Tse Hwei served as a member of the Malacca Bar Publication Sub-Committee and the Editorial Board for the Malacca Bar quarterly newsletter, Re:Lex from 2013 to 2019, spurred on by her love for writing. A meticulous person with an eye for detail, she also edits and proof-reads articles for non-governmental organizations on a pro-bono basis.
Tse Hwei has a place in her heart for youth development and education, and actively serves as a volunteer in the committee of a youth programme for a diverse group of youths every weekend.