Desiree Teh Ken Wen
LL.B (Hon.), MMU
Email: desiree@desho.com.my
Desiree initially chambered with Messrs Fatima Tan & Cheah and thereafter with Messrs Desmond Ho& Associates under Desmond Ho’s guidance and was called to the Malaysian Bar on May 26, 2016. She then returned to the firm as a Legal Associate.
Practice Areas
- Banking & Insolvency Litigation
- Corporate, Civil & Commercial Litigation
- Industrial Relations & Labour Law
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Property & Probate
Achievements & Service
Desiree was a member of the Malacca Bar Committee and Honorary Secretary of Malacca Bar from 2017 to 2018. She also chaired the Social, Charity Welfare sub-committee of Malacca Bar from 2018 to 2019. She is currently a member of the Legal Advisory Team of the Youth Circle of Arts (YCA).